Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A fair trade

In 1943, when Dad was at Trenton Air Force Base, he bought a Norton motorcycle from a buddy, Orville Neal. It was a mean machine. He once said to me, "I sold it before it killed me." The $60 Orville earned from its sale went towards a lovely diamond engagement ring for his sweetheart, Cay. Now that was a good investment!

Born to be wild!  Cpl. Murray Fraser on his newly acquired Norton motorcycle.

Dad bought the Norton for a whopping $60, July 30, 1943.

Dad and Orville Neal stayed in touch over the years. Below is a Christmas card from Orville and his family.

A post-war baby boom: Orv, Cay, Bobby and David Neal.
Orville's wife Cay sent Dad a nice note this year after receiving Dad's change of address postcard when he moved into Sturgeon Creek II. Sadly, Orville passed away a few years ago.